From all the oral podcasts or presentations that I have done in 2009 I decided to present: "Different kinds of weddings" as the best one. This was an oral in which we talked about weddings in different cultures, I did it with a partner, Carles Torracabota, and I think we did a good work. And that not only because it was the presentation we got the highest mark for, but also because the topic was on the on hand very challenging, so we had to research a lot and on the other hand it was rather serious and we gave a lot of interesting information to our classmates.
From a more linguistic point of view, to us the presentation seemed natural which was a difficult goal to achieve because the topic did not have any relation to our every day life, and so we couldn't use any "personal, colloquial vocabulary" which made it difficult for us to feel at ease during the presentation. Because of that we included a lot of connectors which helped us to make a fluent presentation. Moreover we used a lot of funny pictures in our power point which made our classmates laugh and thus took the seriousness and the pressure out of the situation.
That is why, when applying for my university work I would choose the above oral evidence from my portfolio.
My best written evidence:
Choosing the best written evidence I had more problems than to choose the best oral, becaue during the last two years I have written ever so many composition, blogs, summaries... And I think that I did quite well in all of them. Yet, I have most definitly improved my writing and so I decided to present one of my last compositions. I have to say that commenting in the forums, etc... I've done a good job because they were short but compressed critics, so I doubted which choice to take, but in the end I chose: "The shepherd's dialogue", my composition from: 16/04/09 .
First of all I think in this composition I used my imagination to have an originall idea, presenting it in the style of a magazine. It seems that tradicional ways of writing are more serious and formal yet I tried to present an original idea in a very mature way.
A second argument for my kind of presentation was that the topic was not related to my life so, I thought by presenting it as a dialogue I could stay at the surface without entering into profund arguments, because it's really difficult to talk about something that you don't know anything about. It's because of that that I'm really proud of my work, which is also expressed by the high mark I got.
To summarize I want to say that after two years of writing my English has improved very much and that with this work I could prove that I can talk about almost everything in English.